Tuesday, 05 December 2017 22:24




On the 31st of October 2017 we set off for our journey to Moyo. From kampala to Gulu there is a distance of about 335km  then from Gulu to Ajumani it is a distance of about 73Km and  from Ajumanito Moyo it is 42 Km making a total distance of about 712 kilometers.
From Moyo town to the Sudanese settlement camp office in Palaronya, there is a distance of about 24 kilometers,        

We traveled and visited four different areas in the camp where the churches that fall under the Sudan Pentecostal Church are found. These churches are divided into four zones that are Belameling, Budri, Waka and Morobi.  

On the 1st of November we visited Belameling and Budri.

This is the Church Structure in Belameling.

This is the Church Structure in Budri.

Then we Visited Waka and Morobi on the 2nd of November 2017

This is the Church in Waka. There is no structure Yet.

The church Structure in Morobi zone

In the Sudanese camp in Moyo there is a population of over 400,000 people that is Men and women and their children.

These people live in small makeshift tents made from taplins provided to them by the UN and they have small toilet structures which are often shared by big families.

Family Houses and Toilet on the right

These Sudanese lost many of their cattle, gardens, homes and relatives and from their stories they say till now they are still burying people. From our Observation, most of the people living in this camp are traumatized as a result from the war back home.

In the centers we visited, we only saw one health facility which they say was only providing simple treatment for Malaria. From their report, they say the facility was closed due to the budget being high and the organization could not handle the population that was always increasing. So there is a health challenge there.

They receive food once a month but sometimes it takes them about two months  till they receive more food of which this food is not enough more so to the people who have big families.

Some people are forced to move back home to their gardens for collect a little more food to sustain them till they receive their next food from the World food Program but unfortunately most are killed on their way back.

From our observation these people love farming and they are ready to be trained and to start farming as soon an opportunity for land is availed. Most of them own gardens in their compounds
Small Gardens owned by Families

A few families owned few animals and chicken which was basically for their family consumption.

Chicken Pen House.

We also visited and saw the land and also talked to the family which agreed to hire us the land. The family asked for some time for them to meet as a family and come up with annual charges and terms for the hire of the land on which farming is to be done.

On the other hand as for the trauma counseling, basing the distance and fare charges, we would greatly advice that counseling be done in these zones since the churches have structures which can be used as halls.

It costs about 20 Dollars to transport a single individual to and from the camp. It would cost about 60 Dollars daily to hire a hall that seats a population of 200 people without feeding costs and it would cost about 20 Dollars per night in an executive room and 15 Dollars for a regular room but the greatest challenge is there is no facility in Moyo that can accommodate big numbers of people.

We were also advised that in case we are to use the accommodation facility in Moyo, we should book rooms 6 months in advance that is for the visitors from USA. But also conducting a Trauma counseling and training for leaders in the camp should be done in the dry season.

We also have invited 22 Pastors from the 9th December  to 14th December 2017 attend a leadership training at Gospel Messengers Church in Kampala and we are transporting them to and from the camp, housing and providing meals.

This time our budget for Transport, Accommodation and feeding for four days was 557 dollars.

The mission was very successful and fruitful but there is not enough space to exhaust it all.
We bless God for the success.

“All is well”


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